Dino's Dugout


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Kira- Hey girl, you are my best friend, thanks for always being there for me!! No matter how bad of a mood i'm in, you always find a way to make me laugh, and you are so honest no matter how harsh the honesty might be, and I love ya for that!  We groped Joe Perry and Steven Tyler last yr. and this yr. we were close enought to drool over how good they look!   Remember the Scary Elvis, and Snowman from PNC Park,and our fun times at the Pirate Games!!

Shanyna- You are one of my best friends and always will be!! No one can make me change my mind on that one!! I love ya girl, we've made it through of tough times, and we always will!  remember our Kool-Aid and Pizza days, we have to do that again soon!!

Mel- WILSON was the best damn character in that whole movie....by the way who did play him???? Hey man, the chronicles will continue always!! *sings* da na na na da na na Slug Man!!
Jamie- It's your turn to clean the outhouse! *shoves you in and locks the door behind you* I dont see you anymore, and that's sad b/c you like a skip, jump, and hop away!

Ish- No one ever denies her being smart, she just lacks in the common sense department!! "where are you going?" "to the potty sir" *waves hand walking sideways* Why is it that out of all of the ppl in band, our stand is always the messiest??

Jordan- I so beat you in bumper cars!!!! and NO, I will not turn on that channel!! SO, did we really talk that long?? Hey, I do I get to drive your car when it's done in the shop???? I'll let you drive my Yellow Mustang when I get it....PROMISE!!!

CHEWIE- I hope you and Jake get married someday, ur so perfect for each other!! We should really seek help for Bessie and the cow molestar! It's just not healthy!

Gallina- *sings your song* I'm so proud of you! You making himmies life hell in band since i'm not there....i've taught you so well! Watch out for Kira, she likes to snickle ppl!

Hey, if I forgot you just email me and let me know!!

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